Ngorongoro Conservation Area

A great moment in a traveller’s life: Winding up the forested flanks of the long-retired volcano, up to its very rim, and suddenly, 2,000 feet below, a stunning, world-unique view of the great caldera, undiscovered until 1892.
The Ngorongoro Crater is one of our solar system’s greatest geographic ornaments, a gorgeous natural Eden the size of 75 Central Parks, home to 30,000 free-roaming animals. All-in-all, a superlative safari destination. And, as geologic masterpieces go, Ngorongoro has had quite a career. It’s been a gigantic peak, perhaps a rival of Kilimanjaro, and, after it blew its snowy top in what must have been a rather impressive explosion (our forefathers over at the nearby Olduvai Gorge, busy getting their humanoid act together, probably saw it), Ngoro­ngoro spent many millennia as an alternately quiet and occasionally bubbling lava lake. Now in an extended pacific mood, the crater is about as close as we’ll ever get to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Lost World —which, it must be said, lacked the creature comforts of our luxury lodges, not to mention the ease and comfort of descending to the crater’s lush floor for some of Africa’s finest safari game viewing.

Things we love about, and love to do in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area

“In travelling we visit names as well as places,” so we stop to enjoy just being in a place with such a magically evocative name: The Ngorongoro Crater!.

William Hazlett


The journey of Migration

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.



Northern Highlights safari

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.

Luxury Nothern Safari - 9 Days

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.


Basic Photography Safari - 5 Days

This photographic safari will let you experience the wildlife, nature, fauna and flora in their natural habitat in different northern Tanzania national park.



Wildebeest River Crossing - 9 Days

Few sights in the animal kingdom illustrate life’s bloody struggle in a more visceral way than the great migration crossing the crocodile infested Mara River.

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