Nyerere Nationl Park

The Nyerere National Park (part of Selous Game Reserve) is a picturesque, unique and pristine safari destination and belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site as the oldest and largest protected nature reserve in Tanzania.

The numbers of animals in Nyerere National Park are unprecedentedly high, making the park ideal for an adventurous safari!

Nyerere National Par is the largest game reserve in Africa, with large populations of elephants and buffalos. From the characteristic Rufiji river, you can see the natural behavior of the animals up close.

Sailing among the hippos, crocodiles and the many birds is an unforgettable experience.

The mighty Rufiji river and the lakes are the lifeblood of the park and during the dry season of July through October, it is the place where a huge concentration of wildlife gathers. Nyerere national park is arguably the best place in Africa to spot the once endangered African Hunting Dogs (wild dogs). There are fantastic elephant herds, plenty of lion prides, leopard, hyena, kudu, eland, impala, bush buck as well as hippo and huge Nile crocs in the river and lakes. The birdlife here is also phenomenal with over 400 recorded species. Wildlife migrates from the east and the south both resident and migratory


Best time to visit

The dry season of July through October is the best time of year for the greatest overall concentrations of game in this park when wildlife congregates around the lakes. However, do not underestimate this park at any other time outside the rainy season of April & May as game viewing is very good in various areas throughout the year. December through February is a lovely time to visit too and is known as the Green Season. February is a great time to see young being born with birding during this time of year being absolutely world class.

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