Ruaha Nationl Park

Prolific game, extraordinary birdlife and diverse vegetation meet against a dramatic topographical backdrop: endless rolling hills, vast open plains, secret groves of ancient baobabs and, along the park’s southern border, the Great Ruaha River.

This vast park, with its few camps, offers visitors an uncrowded glimpse of untouched Africa, with its huge diversity of game, birds and landscapes. It’s an area known for its incredible animal sightings, including large herds of elephant and plenty of predators.

Situated right in the centre of Tanzania, Ruaha National Park covers over 20,000km² of land. It is a fascinating, game-rich park that includes the Zambian miombo woodlands and the Tanzanian and Kenyan savannahs. This diversity of habitats hosts an equally diverse range of animals.

Due to its vast size, and the fact that there are not many camps in the park, Ruaha is known as one of Tanzania’s best-kept secret safari spots, promising unhurried, uncrowded game viewing.

Ruaha is known for its huge elephant population (estimated at over 10,000) and healthy populations of predators. Especially notable, are the large prides of lion (up to 20-strong), leopard and cheetah.

With over 500 species of bird (both seasonal and permanent), Ruaha is a birdwatcher’s paradise. Again, the variety of birds is spectacular, including waterbirds and raptors from both the south and north.

Things to see and do in Ruaha National Park

Best time to visit

Ruaha National Park is a typical dry season park, with the best time to see larger mammals and predators being between mid-May and December. As water becomes scarce toward the end of the dry season, the game gathers around available water sources, offering unbeatable game viewing opportunities.

During the wet season from January to April the bush becomes lush and green and many migratory birds arrive from the northern climes, making it an idyllic birdwatching paradise.

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