Serengeti Nationl Park

Tanzania occupies a special place in the hearts of old and new Africa hands. Its towns and cities are a little less bustling than Kenya’s, and its enchanting gamelands are fully Kenya’s equal in natural plenitude and beauty.
Obama’s safaris, whether private Custom or small group Classic Safaris, almost invariably pay their respects to Tanzania’s Serengeti, the southern half of the Serengeti-Maasai Mara ecosystem, the undisputed capital of the world’s animal kingdom. The Serengeti is amazing in its enormity, its almost infinite skies and long, golden reaches, its million-year quiet. It enraptures with moments of grace; we may well see, as Elspeth Huxley did: a “loping giraffe, like a tiger lily bending with dignity before a gusty breeze.” And then there’s the fabulous, animal-thronged Lost World of the Ngorongoro Crater, one of the world’s most magical places, where we especially (but hardly uniquely) appreciate something Isak Dinesen wrote, “The chief feature of the African landscape…was the air. Looking back on a sojourn in the African highlands, you are struck by the feeling of having lived for a time up in the air….You woke up in the morning and thought, Here I am, where I ought to be.”

Things we love about, and love to do in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area

There is a language going on out there – the language of the wild. Roars, snorts, trumpets, squeals, whoops and chirps have meaning derived over eons of expression…we have yet to become fluent in the language – and music – of the wild.

Boyd Norton


The journey of Migration

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.



Northern Highlights safari

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.

Luxury Nothern Safari - 9 Days

This is a great little itinerary for those that are a little short on time and possibly short on funds! Ideal for seeing the wildebeest migration from November until June.


Basic Photography Safari - 5 Days

This photographic safari will let you experience the wildlife, nature, fauna and flora in their natural habitat in different northern Tanzania national park.



Wildebeest River Crossing - 9 Days

Few sights in the animal kingdom illustrate life’s bloody struggle in a more visceral way than the great migration crossing the crocodile infested Mara River.

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You are planning a trip to Africa. Let’s plan it together. Send us a message with the form below and we will get in contact with you soon to plan the best holiday trip you can imagine.